Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pyglet Recommendation

So today for a completely different project I decided to try out pyglet to see how much better or worse it would be for creating a .app or .exe package. Since I do my development on a mac, I'm mostly interested in the .app (although I will make a .exe when possible too). It turns out that the pyglet project is way easier to create a bundle with than the combination of pygame and pyopengl that I've been using on pygauntlet. If I had the time available to me to do a full or partial rewrite to pyglet I would, but pygauntlet depends so much on pygame that I don't see that being feasible. However, if anyone else is looking for a good library to use for rapid prototyping I am in full support of pyglet even after a single day. They even provide examples with scripts that do both py2app and py2exe.

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